Wednesday, May 5, 2010

survey results!

Hi everyone,

At our last meeting, we looked at the student survey. Here is a link to part of the survey:

For the other part of the survey, students had the opportunity to respond 3 questions. Here are the questions with my summaries:
1. Do students have the opportunity to make positive contributions to the school & community?

Overall students are pleased with the opportunities to participate, though a few said they didn’t care to. Students talked about enjoying clubs, sports and other extra curricular activities. Students enjoyed clean-up days and would be happy to participate in more clean-up days.

2. What can be done at Northgate to build school spirit & pride?

Many students felt that school pride & spirit was low. Students asked for more rallies, spirit days, friendly class competitions, places to voice opinions, & more clean-up days. Students also wanted more activities & spirit supporting all sports and activities, not just football, and that spirit needed to be addressed all year long, not just the beginning of the year and homecoming week. Students also wanted opportunities to contribute to the community.

3. What is one change you would like to see at Northgate?

The most common request was for windows and natural lighting, an open computer lab at lunchtime, an open campus and block scheduling. Students also wanted other students to pick up their garbage & recycle more.

Students felt strongly that teachers contribute to the experience. There was some anger about “good” teachers being laid off & less money for classroom supplies. Many students also felt that activities, events and sports were too expensive.

What does the survey tell us?
Are any of the results surprising?


  1. Hello, my name is Pedro Dorado and after my first year at NGHS, my initial impression corresponds with the answer to survey question number two where the Students also wanted more activities & spirit supporting all sports and activities, not just football, and that spirit needed to be addressed all year long, not just the beginning of the year and homecoming week. I feel like there could be more rallies and spirit days and such to build school spirit. I really enjoyed attending the multi-cultural presenation which allowed all students to see other cultures.

    In addition, I think it is FABULOUS that students also wanted opportunities to contribute to the community! It is important to capitalize on this energy and focus it on improving the community using the valuable resources of the students' time and talents.

  2. This is Alyssa Bond.

    I was surprised that students wanted block scheduling. Whenever my students and I have talked about it they were against having long periods.

    I also really appreciate that they feel teachers are a valuable part of their learning experience! It is refreshing to hear it.
