Thursday, December 9, 2010

A few questions to consider....

As I work on our part of the WASC report, I have a couple of questions for all of you. Please feel free to post your ideas/comments here so I can do my best to incorporate your feedback in our report. Don't feel like you need to respond to each item.

Here are some of the Action Plan Items from our 2008 review. What have we done (strengths) & what do we still need to do (areas for growth)?

1. Increase respect for school property/rules/policies
2. Involve more teachers in school leadership and extra-curricular activities
3. Improve staff morale
4. Explore increased student participation in the development and review of school policies and programs
5. Explore developing a peer-coaching program
6. Continue refining smaller learning communities
7. Develop a comprehensive staff development plan
8. Explore increased student participation in the development and review of school policies and programs
9. Create more curriculum development time
10. Develop a comprehensive staff development plan
11. Communicate content standards and ESLRs (now school-side goals) to all stakeholders
12. Continue refining smaller learning communities

Thanks everyone, I can't wait to read your thoughts.

Take care, Rachel Hallquist